About The 52 Tunes Project

2013: The Project Begins

What’s this project all about, anyway?
Ok, here’s the deal. I’m Leslie and I’ve been playing Irish music for about 5 years. I started with the tin whistle and soon moved to flute ’cause I’m not overly keen on shrill, high-pitched instruments. When I first started, I was pretty gung-ho about practicing & learning new tunes. Over time, however, I got lazy. Really lazy. I came up with this project to force myself to practice more regularly and, yes, learn a bunch o’ new tunes. I will pick a tune each week, learn it, and, at the end of the week, post a video of me playing the tune.

So, why post a video?
A few reasons: 1) it’s proof that I actually learned the damn tune, 2) the threat of public embarrassment will force me to practice! 3) maybe other musicians will provide constructive criticism so I can become a better player.

3 thoughts on “About The 52 Tunes Project

  1. this is a great plan! and if you let us know ahead of time, some of us could feel equally compelled to learn a tune in that span of time! Not that all of us would want to post our videos online…. 🙂

    what’s on the menu for this week???

    go, go, go!

    • Thanks, Janina! This week is going to be Kitty’s Wedding (finally!). It’s been on my list for maybe 3 years now. In my future posts I’ll mention what’s coming up for the next week.

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